Whether it’s an iPhone in my pocket or something more sophisticated hanging around my neck, I’m rarely without a camera. So I find myself shooting photos pretty much daily. The subjects vary, but often they fall into a category I would describe as “every day wonders.”
From a monsoon cloud blossoming over the mountains and moving out onto the plains, as in the image above, to a spider snacking on a tasty wasp (stay tuned for a photo of that), these events are quite common. But in our busy lives, we’re often only dimly aware of them, if at all.
That’s why I’m launching a new, semi-regular feature here at ImaGeo: “Every Day Wonders.” In it, I’ll feature photographs of aspects of nature that have stopped me in my tracks and triggered a sense of awe. For the most part, these images won’t be of unusual things (although I’m sure there will be some of that), but rather of things around us all the time that often escape our consciousness.
The photographs I showcase here won’t necessarily be straightforward representations of what I saw. What I imagine when I gaze up at a thunderhead blossoming over a corn field isn’t necessarily what the raw photographic data collected by my camera look like. Those data comprise just the starting point for a creative process that results in a true photograph, as opposed to a mere snapshot.